Paddling like Pile Dwellers
Niederuster, Schifflände
Paddling like Pile Dwellers

In the traditional “Plauschregatta”, a not-so-serious boating race on the Greifensee, even log boats are represented; the most common means of transportation across water of the pile dwellers. In the morning, international teams of archaeologists are competing against each other, and in the afternoon, they are invited to paddle alongside their friends or colleagues. (Required registration starts in April 2021).Im Rahmen der traditionellen Plauschregatta auf dem Greifensee werden auch Einbäume eingesetzt, das klassische Fortbewegungsmittel der Pfahlbauer*innen...
Organisation: Ruderclub Uster / Verein Zukunft UNESCO Welterbe Pfahlbauten Pfäffikersee-Greifensee