Museums & exhibition rooms
Numerous museums, collections and other exhibition rooms display finds from pile dwelling sites - you are sure to find an exhibition close to you. Please note that some institutions have irregular opening hours!
For further activities such as guided tours for adults and school children or experimental demonstrations, please check the relevant website.
Maison du Lac d'Aiguebelette

The Maison du Lac displays the whole Lake Aiguebelette in a vibrant and cosy ambience. The show area allows you to dive into a unique and protected sphere where each of the seasons reveal their secrets. In your interactive visit, you will be discovering the uniqueness of our environment and the people that lived in, protected, made history in it and worked on its future.
Maison du Lac d'Aiguebelette
Route d'Aiguebelette 572 73470 Nances
July - August:
daily 9.00 - 18.00
other months :
daily 9.00 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 17.30
Musée Lac & Nature

The Lac et Nature museum is a didactic facility that introduces the visitors to the fragile balance of the lake. The museum was built step by step by FAPLA (Fédération des Associations de Protection du Lac d'Aiguebelette) and offers the best opportunity to convey the natural, biological and cultural heritage of Lake Aiguebelette.
Musée Lac & Nature
Route des plages 996 73470 Novalaise
The museum is open between 15 June and 10 September.
June and september
some Wednesday and Saturday afternoons: 14.00 - 17.00
July and august
Wed - Sat: 14.00 - 17.00
Steinzeitdorf Pestenacker

The Stone Age village Pestenacker demonstrates vivid history you can discover and participate in. Modelled after a prehistoric settlement discovered in 1934, the Stone Age village is being extended and further professionalised. A byre-dwelling from the New Stone Age, reconstructed in its original size, is waiting for your visit. In the Stone Age garden, it is time for a discovery tour of cereal crops and herbs. The Stone Age bee houses show how our ancestors were harvesting honey 5500 years ago and regularly baked bread in the Stone Age clay oven. In the visitor's pavilion, you can discover tools, weapons, ceramics and fabrics as in the New Stone Age.
Steinzeitdorf Pestenacker
Hauptstr. 100 86947 Weil – Ortsteil Pestenacker
Mon: 15:00 - 19:00
Wed: 10:00 - 14:00
Fri - Sun: 13:00 - 17:00
1st november - 31st march closed
Archäologische Staatssammlung München

The State Archaeological Collection, founded in 1885, is the archaeological museum of the Free State of Bavaria. In addition to many other central objects from 100,000 years of human history, finds from the three World Heritage Sites of Rose Island, Pestenacker and Unfriedshausen are kept and exhibited here.
Archäologische Staatssammlung München
Lerchenfeldstr. 2 80538 München
Still closed until 2023/2024
Museo Nazionale Atestino

The museum carries the most important archaeological finds of the Venetians, who lived in this region during the 1st millennium BC. The Roman section shows the transformation of the city of Ateste between the 1st century BC and the 2nd century AD. Smaller but important parts of the exhibition are dedicated to the prehistory of the Euganean Hills – especially the pile-dwelling site of Laghetto della Costa di Arquà – and the post-antique period.
Museo Nazionale Atestino
Via G. Negri 9/c 35042 Este (PD)
Closed on Mondays. More information on opening hours on other days of the week is available on the museum's website.
Free admission on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Schweizerisches Landesmuseum

The archaeological collection comprises more than 100,000 objects from all Swiss regions. Important ensembles are the pile-dwelling finds from the Seeland Region of Victor Gross's Collection and those from Lake Zurich by Ferdinand Keller. An aesthetic presentation shows the fascinating world of pile-dwelling finds. On display are, for example, a Neolithic door, one of the oldest wheels in Europe and numerous objects made of leather or wood.
Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
Museumsstrasse 2 8021 Zürich
Tue - Sun : 10:00 -17:00
Thu : 10:00 -19:00
Ortsmuseum Meilen

Pile-dwelling research began in 1854 with the finds in Meilen. In its permanent exhibition, the Meilen Local Museum shows archaeological discoveries from various lakeside settlements in the municipality. The exhibition covers topics such as construction, nutrition, everyday objects, movement, agriculture, vegetation and wildlife.
Ortsmuseum Meilen
Kirchgasse 14, 8706 Meilen 14 8706 Meilen
During temporary exhibitions: Sat & Sun from 14.00-17.00.
Guided tours on request also outside opening hours.
Museum am Pfäffikersee

The museum documents housing and trade in the 18th and 19th centuries, home working and industrialisation, but also houses a rich prehistoric collection, including pile-dwelling finds from the northern shore of Lake Pfäffikon.
Museum am Pfäffikersee
Stogelenweg 2 8330 Pfäffikon
March - October
Sun: 14.00 - 17.00
Ortsmuseum Sust

Ortsmuseum Sust
Bahnhofstrasse 27 8810 Horgen
The exhibition is currently being refurbished. More information on current events are available here